As we strive to cut down global meat consumption, one delicious plant-based filet at a time, we had the pleasure of meeting Isabelle Arpin. Isabelle, a French chef with twice awarded Michelin Stars, shares Umiami’s commitment to using responsible ingredients in her restaurants. Over the years, she has become a passionate user of our plant-based filet, infusing creativity into her dishes.
Background of Umiami and Isabelle Arpin
Since our start in 2020, Umiami has come a long way—from an idea to our first pilot plant and then to industrialization. Today, our plant-based filet has transformed into a versatile culinary platform for food professionals. Isabelle, with her experience in various restaurants from Paris to Brussels, adds a unique touch to our collaboration.
The Origin of the Collaboration
In 2022, Isabelle first tried Umiami’s plant-based filet! As a chef and meat lover concerned about the environmental impact of meat production, she fell in love with our product. Unlike other plant-based alternatives, our filet’s whole-cut shape and fewer than 10 simple ingredients appealed to her. This discovery changed the way she use to cook plant-based meat, allowing her to be more creative in her cooking. She no longer had to compose meals around chunks but she could get super creative working the filet just like she would with a real meat filet.
In Umiami she found not only an “innovative french foodtech company with a revolutionary technology but also a company with whom she shared values”. We both believe sustainability, quality, taste, and innovation are the building blocks of a greener future.
Unique Recipes and Taste Discovery
Since 2023, Isabelle has featured our product on her restaurant’s menu. She appreciates the flexibility our filet offers—whether pan-fried, baked, in a sauce, breaded, or in various shapes. From fast food to elevated gastronomic cuisine, Isabelle finds endless possibilities with our filet as she can cook it “just like real chicken meat”. Her favorite recipes invented with our filet are the burger with the filet breaded and a dark miso mayonnaise and the carrot declinaison with the filet in the center of plate.
Working with Isabelle is a pleasure. Her creativity shines through in various events, interviews, and even a 15-recipe cookbook. Our collaboration has been a success, and we look forward to its continued growth with exciting projects on the horizon.
Having a chef of her caliber embrace our plant-based meat in her restaurant is a true success. We’re eager to see this collaboration evolve with more exciting projects to come. If you’re a chef or distributor interested in exploring new culinary opportunities, our team is ready to discuss collaboration possibilities!